Saturday, February 6, 2010

A Paper At A Conference

I'll be presenting a paper titled "Extended Cognition and Personal Identity" at the 2010 meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology. The paper is more about personal identity than extended cognition--it takes ex-cog for granted, then asks what this means for identity--but still, it seems relevant to the blog. I'll let you guys know how it goes.


  1. I'll be commenting on a paper titled "Extended Cognition and Personal Identity" at the 2010 meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology.

  2. Well, since you're here, I want to note that there's a glaring logical error in my exposition of the difference between the "no-split" solution to split cases and my own approach. The way I describe them, I fail to actually mark any distinction between them! I need to add a sentence in there to the effect that while "no-split" and my own approach both deny any logical identity relation between post-split entities and pre-split entities, the difference is that my approach allows for a "survival" relation (not the same as the identity relation) while no-split does not.

    I should post the paper with a link here, but something I don't understand has happened to my current domain hosting so at the moment I don't have anywhere public to put my documents.

  3. Change of plans. The commentator is now going to be Sven Walter.
